
Gilma Velez, a 25 years experienced coffee grower from the region of Urrao in Antioquia.

Three years ago her farm, “Pringamosal” was awarded the first position Yara Championship quality contest. Since then, Pringamosal has focused on the production of High quality Caturro Chiroso coffee, which has become the insignia of Gilma’s work. Consequently, other farmers from the region sometimes lined up on her farm to obtain from these cherries at a high price.

This beautiful farm is called Pringamosal, she believes coffee brings people together, this linked with love, dedication, passion and specific climate advantages allows Gilma to place all her production in a strong position in the international market. She plans to keep innovating and improving the quality of the coffee so her farm will continue to be recognized for producing one of the best coffees worldwide.

La Loma

This farm has been blessed by its geographical location where 1666 hours in average of solar a year, 1866mm of rain a year and soils with high levels of organic matter are some of the factors that make possible the amazing balance of its coffee.

The citric acidities not so sweet as well as its distinctive flavors such as berries and red fruits accompanied by a complex body and a consistent “Eternal Spring” cup of coffee.
Under the careful managements of Javier Florez, this coffee style promises to be a delight for everyone who is looking to try Urrao flavors at its maximum potential.

El Encanto

Under the careful managements of Aicardo Serna
This farm has had the opportunity to benefit from sustainability programs and technical assistance in order to improve both the quality of life of their community and their coffee.

Mr. Serna, a strong man that has dedicated most of his life to coffee production, we can enjoy 25 years of experience in each cup of coffee of “Encanto” Coffee.


The outstanding cup profile of this Geisha is not simply down to the varietal. Farm machoruso, the estate of Juan Quinchia, is in a humid, mountainous forest in Caramanta, Antioquia.

This exceptional combination results in a cup with vibrant citric acidity and a creamy body, with distinct notes of lemongrass, red fruits, honey and rose tea that we can enjoy in each cup of “Mist


Under the dedicated management of Carlos Mario Posada, Casa Café is the place where magic happends, with a beautiful Caturra micro lot, we experiences new processes and interesting coffee experiments.

This is the place for the visitors to stay when we make the source trips, our guest enjoy roasting coffee for their morning cup, cooking with vegetables from the garden, fishing for tilapia if they want to eat fish.

We would love to have you!

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